Wednesday 31 March 2010


I have never been called to the principal office for anything with my two older girls.Today as much I would like it to be an April's fool joke, I find myself doing exactly that.
Walking towards the office, a lot of possibilites of 'why' I'm being called flashes on my head. None of them points to the positive side of anything thou .
Lydia is just one 'extra ordinary' child I reassured myself not wanting to use the word 'jahat' as I have always done whenever the negative side of her shows up.
So different is she that makes me wondered.... 'why'.
Are my capbilities being challanged for taking so much pride in raising my older girls so right?.
Why is it then with her be so 'difficult'? I know . I was told that she lack concentration during lessons. So much so that a simple answer given five minutes earlier can't be register in her mind.
What can this teacher tell me that I don't already know?
I have learned of this problem a long while ago when spelling was the issue.
I know for one too that she has the habbit of 'shutting' down her mind to whatever 'thing' that she doesn't want to there and then.
Hhhmm,....with her exams is so near... I'm going to need to work on something here.

Finally I went to the bank today.
Yeah.. to bank in my cheque and also to withdraw some much needed petty cash.
It's a new month and everything needs paying or services will be terminated..heheh
(I'm referring to my girls' school transportation plus tuitions.)
After doing my banking, I did one of the rare thing that I do, which was to sit and have breakfast by myself.
Too 'alone'?... not really for I know the lady behind the apron for years. We were school mates before and I have always patronised her stall whenever I'm there.
I had actually just wanted to 'tapau' but since I still needed to wait for the 'parking' lady to finish her 'business' inorder to pay my ticket. ( yes.. it's the one that I got the time we went to the town market)
The ticket in question
Came home and did what needed to be done. It's been two days in a row that the maid did not turned up.
Wonder what happened to her... she should have called.
Well.. she never did for all the time she didn't come so why was now any different.
Hopefully she didn't 'kena tangkap'...but I know for sure she has 'papers'.
Hopefully tomorrow she will come.

Andrew is back...from Keningau that is why he is hours earlier than usual.
He was already home around four.
Another tuition night for the girls.

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