Monday 1 March 2010


I had wanted to sleep early last night but sitting infront of the pc somehow kept me awake till it was way past midnight.
Waking up early ( as it was school days again) didn't help much for I felt so very tired . All I wanted to do after the girls had left was jump back into my bed for a few hours more sleep before the maid comes in.
I did tried that but somehow the thought of 'unfinish tasks' kept me wide awake.
Well... just the thoughts thou... I was really not in the mood for carrying out any of them.
In my list of priority was actually give the two cats... their much needed bath. continue with my fence painting clear the mess is my room ( I seem to be saying this over and over....and over again with no results)

Although wiith those thoughts on my mind, I did something totally different.
1.I went online instead....again!
2.I made figurine with the left over fondant from yesterday's baking class :)
Well...without the 'mood' this was much fun to compare with.

Awh...nice nice

I did however managed to clear some 'rubbish' from my dressing table and my bathroom earlier on.
I still need to feel at ease at letting go of 'stuff' with sentimental value attached :(
A difficult task it seems for someone as sentimental as me :)

I also managed to remember something I should have taken care of a month or so ago. was to make a report on my faulty telephone line.
I had told one of my friend working at TM about it and he had informed me that I could make the complain directly online nowdays.
Ah...seems so easy BUT I kept on forgetting.
Then again,the good part of being online all the time is that I got to make the report in less than five minutes.
The phone rang something like twenty times and upon answering can't hear who was on the other side finally made me remember.
The technican came around three in the afternoon and did what needs doing....which I think was only replacing a new phone. (why didn't that work when I tried?)
Thumbs up for TM for a fast respond.

Today the girls starts their school's extra classes therefore I was alone till around four....not really 'fruitful' without the 'mood'.
Aaaaa but.... I finally took that nap while the tv watched me.
No bowling training for them too as tonight is a tuition night.

With the school's extra classes 'slotting' in, training schudule was distrupted.
Time to readjust their schedule again with the tuition centre.

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