Wednesday 31 March 2010


We were the only two person in the house who had the option to stay in and do whatever we feel like doing all day all night.
Ah...the joy of 'makan anggur'.
Althought I still have to wake up at my normal school day time, I still have the preveliage to steal a nap or two throughout the day.
Tisha has it even better . She was never up before twelve unless it was church day.
She has offically turned into a 'hantu malam' ever since school was out.
Looking at the time she last logged on her FB one would know.

My initial plan for today was to go to the bank. Do some shopping and pay some bills.
Somehow the laziness in me rather than the heat of the day got the better side of me.
I actually could be doing so much more than sit for hours infront of the pc... but that was the only 'heart' thing that I felt like doing.....with naps in between of course.

I baked another cake for Jo's kids when Tisha said she wanted to go over to her place to discuss 'something' with Diane.
I knew of her 'plans'. They were putting final details on the Genting trip they have been planning since last year.
Tisha wanted to tag me and Jo their banker!
Banyak cantik....We will decide on that matter at a later day.

With Yona and Lydia staying at home ( we anticipate a late night ), we went over around seven thirty.
On hand was our lap tops... we were told to bring them so that we won't be 'fighting' to get access to the net later on.
As with every trip to Jo's place, we always chat over either a can of beer or a pack of 'lihing'.
Tonight it was 'lihing'. Two packs down my throat and wow the 'kick' was working its way to my head giving me nothing but awsome feelings.
A good 'bad' kind of feeling which puts you in the right mood for anything I would say :)

On our individual LT , we went into Yahoo chat rooms trying to hook up conversation with some of those oh so desperate people that patronises these rooms.
As with previous nights, we were there just to have few laughs over the nick these people uses.
Got a few buzzes when I made myself seen but I was totally unattracted to anyone really.
I ended up chatting with old friends that were already on my list instead.
It was already almost one o'clock when we left Jo's place..... when the 'kick' has worned off a little.
It would have been so good...IF...
I slept my 'good feeling' off the moment we reached home.

While waiting for us to bottoms up....this was what the girls did.
Trying to get a good photograph with Teddy. Not her (yes..Teddy is a she) best night probably as she wouldn't sit still for that purpose....even with a 'gun' pointed at her

Finally... still not a perfect picture with Teddy

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