Tuesday 3 May 2011


If much was going to get 'wrong' on any day than today would be one of those days.

Yona had been waiting for more than five minutes before I realised that we were already in the month of May. That would also mean that the teacher who used to take her to school won't be coming anymore.
She would have to rely on the public transportation  or me from now onwards.
Compared to the bas sekolah that would come around  as early as 5.20am , this arrangement was fine with her.

Lydia on the other hand, will still be going  with  her teacher ( hahaha...no choice for the teacher as her girls were Lydia's schoolmates PLUS she also teaches at the same school )
BUT.. today Lydia made a silly error on what day today was. She had ready her school books according to yesterday's timetable.Realising her mistake and with transportation already waiting outside...she carried all her books to school.  Poor girl . Her books weight a ton.

Andrew didn't fight for the use of the bathroom today but went off for jogging  instead.
Probably he feels he need to excercise after days of being in the house practically doing 'nothing' (if eating doesn't count)...or probably  there is a medical check up coming. Whatever it was, as usual he did his stuff while I did mine.
Then again, I  can't ( won't  actually) do much with him or anyone for that matter being in the house.
BUT today I did made myself do a LITTLE cleaning up of my bedroom stuff.
Namely  throwing out of outgrown and worned out  undergarments... (underwears was my word choice...but that sounds 'funny' and 'cheap').
I had baskets filled with them...not mine alone but the girls's as well.
'Aged' and loose ones are actually ones that are most comfortable and thus the most reluctant to be throw out.  Hahaha ...laugh.... but I'm defenitly sure I'm not alone here.
With that done. I went on to open my 'cafe'....hehehe what can I say  but 'routine'.
Aaarrr....I kept getting asked to refresh each time I use my oven . Is there a problem here?
Now how am I going to finish my quest which requires to use the oven.?.....double aaarrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

Like adding insults to injuries...the electricity went off.
triple aaarrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But thanks to that ...I managed to get a few other chores done.

First there was Blink Blink.... he finally got his bath in a long time. Not that I really wanted to but he was already wet from getting in my way while I was washing up the compound. I stopped to just bathing him as the weather doesn't really permits me to do with the other twelve.

*I repotted my airplants.

*I cleared up the ' dumper drawer' . Thanks to that  now I can close it properly) .
*I partly clean the back kitchen plus throwing 'rubbish' from the backyard. I would have done more if the rain didn't get in the way..

Turning into 'aliens' with the camera's flash on
*Played with the seven dachshunds that are 'stationed' at the back portion of the house.
They are such loveable creatures, and they love you unconditionally. It'll be hard for me to give any of the them up.
*Went on to cook lunch plus a pot of pumpkin bubur.

Was about to take my shower when Lydia came back and raced me for who got to shower first.
Well...I let her win actually.
My turn and I was greeted with the sound of water droppings...
Nooooooooooo..... it was coming from the ceilling. You know what that means.
I just had that 'fixed' a few months ago.
Upon checking, I found one leaking plactic elbow. Temporarily, I just taped it with  duct tape. Which I ran out of halfway. It's not totally sealed and there's still a bucket on the ceilling to catch the droplets.

Lydia vomited.....in the sink!
Why? why?..... because I'm the mom?...I had to clean that up of course.
'Yaking' away telling her how 'stupid' her action was and never ever to repeat it.  Should  she ever does, she would be the one doing the cleaning up.
I think she got the 'idea' cos the next two times that she 'throws up' again was in the toilet bowl.

The one nice thing to end today was that I got to bake the carrot cake that I had been planning to do so for days. I was a little worried that the electricity would be cut again as it was raining 'crazy' by the time the cake was halfway in the oven.  Then again all went well and the cake turned our 'beautiful' not forgetting delicious'

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