Saturday 28 May 2011


It's not harvest festival yet but we have received an invitation to Roy's in laws golden anniversary celebration at Kampung Kiabau, Beluran. It was actually their highlight to the Kaamatan festivities which was going to be held after this.
Meaning to say, the whole 'clan' will gather home and have much  makan makan  and minum minum.
As with other Sabahan, reason to get drunk I would say.
For the non drinker as me, it was merely for the fellowship that I went.
Totally not  for the food. I was really cautious with that since their last 'feast' we attended left Andrew and me with days of upset stomachs .

Initially the girls wanted to come along but they had their monthly bowling roll off to complete on the same day .Also the thought of having no friends there, smoking drunk men and barbecued pork for the main course. It was really not their cup of tea.
I had sent them to the alley at nine and had left them there in good hands, promising that we would get back by late tonight.

We only took one car, Andrew's.  Rocky's Vitara was left at our house.
The drive there took around two hours plus.  We did stopover at mile thirty two for lunch.
It was just past three when we finally 'found' the house...except for Roy's wife, no one seems to be around.
I learned later on that the actual celebration was for tomorrow. Today was just dinner meant only for immediate family members.
Tomorrow's menu will be halal whereas today's highlighted a barbecued pig as the main course.
The only thing I felt 'wrong' wast the pig. It was still alive when we came.
Aaaaa.... that was so not good. I really dislike to see or hear animals being slaugter.
I'm no vegetarian but I don't see my food when they're with life.
I will now forever be haunted with the whole episode.

The hours before dinner was spent watching  Malaysian Canon Open Ten Pin Bowling competition on Astro.
Airing live too. Luckly the heavy rain didn't interupt the reception. Otherwise with no signals for any of the phone networks I use, it would have been a very 'loooooooooooog' wait.

Dinner started at eight and carried on ( chit chatting) till we made our move for home at almost midnight.
It was almost two in the morning by the time we reached home.

To the extend ...... a banner for the occasion.

We were one of few early birds....a day earlier to be exact.
A day earlier celebration ( with the pig) were meant for the immediate families. 
 Roy has been more like a brother than the good friend he is with the Garcias brothers.

This is something I enjoy looking  at.
Typical kampung house

Kelapa Sawit....the main income source for many

You can only get 'warm' feeling looking at this...a pot of boiling water on an open fire

The (head of) main was still alive when we arrive there.
All tied up waiting for the kill, It was such a pityful sight .

This was my dish for the night...fried  chicken

Another main course...fresh prawns

Serve me with this dish anytime Sambal mangga. The sourness of the mango just makes you eat more than you want to.They overdid it with the chilles though. It was HOT!

This is a typical sight on any kampung celebration .Line of tajaus ( clay pots) filled with tapai ( rice wine). Forget the beer..this is all you get .As much as you want to.
 A must on all harvest festival aramaiti

This is another drink. Instead of rice they use ubi kayu (tapioca). The taste is totally different but they still make you reach the utlimate conclusion....drunk!
This was oviously broken....'repaired' with gam pilipin ( epoxy)

Roy made me try this. Not bad really...until the 'kick' starts to 'hit'

With the ubi jar , it  was just for the photograph

Unlike them 'professionals'

Sneek peek on tomorrow's entertaiment .A dying breed. None of their children have this talent. Sadly, none too are interested in continuing this tradition

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