Monday 25 July 2011


Well... actually her birthday was on sunday.
We wanted to come over and celebrate with her then with the usual cake and KFC but she said she was not feeling well and was going to bed early.
They had a gotong royong at church in the morning and I guess that kind of contributed to her not feeling so well.
Anyhow we told her that we would do it the next night then. To which she said alright.

Silently, I was actually thankful too as I was much too much in pain  to really  want to go out anywhere.
 BUT it was her birthday and the gesture would mean so much to her I know.
I had no choice but to make the effort since none of her chirldren (my siblings!) were here other than myself.
Mom on her 69th birthday... a very 'big' number to achieve

 I always said I was the lucky one ... I have my parents with me all the time.  All my girls grew up knowing their grandparents.
 Mango,Laichee cheese tasted as good as it looks.

We bought her a cake from Novelty and some KFC at Kim Fung.
I guess it wasn't the cake nor the food that matter to was just the knowledge that we remembered and we cared enough.
'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM'...I love you ..... will always love you

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