Monday 25 April 2011

Not Getting Things Done


Does anyone ever get so down that they just totally don't feel like doing anything? Lately I have been this way  a lot to the point where all I want to do is just sit in my room and stare off aimlessly at the wall and get lost in my thoughts. I live in what I consider to be a very boring area...there isn't much to do that I haven't already done.

There are times when we will wake up feeling energetic and feel that we can complete any amount of tasks on that day but there are also times when we will wake up feeling jaded and do feel like doing anything at all.
It will be great if I can wake up every morning and feel energetic and productive but I know that it is not really possible. There will definitely be times when I feel tired and don’t feel like doing anything.
When we are caught in an unproductive state, we tend to waste most of our time doing tasks such as watching the TV, surfing the net, sleeping or playing video games.  The problems arises when we did not limit the amount of time we are spending on time wasters and this cause us to indulge in those time wasters and waste our whole day away.

How To Do What You Have To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing It

How often do you get that lazy feeling? You know the one. It’s that heavy feeling that weighs down your entire body so the only things you really feel like doing is watching TV, surfing the Internet, or playing your Wii. Or, maybe you just feel like doing something fun instead of working, when you know you really need to get some serious work done

If we truly want to achieve results in our life, we need to be able to take constant action which means being productive every day. There are definitely times when we feel like not doing anything but to achieve great results in your life, sometimes you need to be able to take action even when you don’t feel like doing it

 All of us live our lives not based on what we feel like doing, but rather what we sometimes just must do anyway. We aren’t small children anymore, and our feelings can’t be the deciding factor when it comes to decisions in our life. That’s just part of growing up, isn’t it?

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