Saturday 23 April 2011

Know when to walk away

One of the biggest mistakes made in a 'dead' relationship is allowing the final 'death throes' to go on and on. And on. And on. And on.
It's one thing to finalize shared expenses or disentangle community property but it's really another thing to beat a dead horse endlessly. When discussions become circular - in other words, you just travel around and around the same points without coming to a point of resolution - stop please.
The moment to say, " leave" is here.

The ex, no matter how she feels about it, is no longer the 'other half' and has no rights concerning your life. The phase has passed  and all  'this' does not need to be a dramatic, escalating event.
You do not owe her the courtesy of  honest answers. There is no law that requires you to do so.
Why can't that be the case then?
As hard as it may be, it is time for her to move on.

Nothing to do with this song.... just that its one of my favourite and those words......" knowing when to walk away"

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