Tuesday 11 January 2011


11.1.11.. All the ones.
Looking back at the past year of my life, I'm thankful for so many things. 
At each beginning of the year, I always like to recap although it doesn't really change much from year to year. Still, some  bears repeating:

... my family especially my girls for they inspire me to bring forth myself as the best mom and friend I coul be.
 They make me happy and hopeful each day, regardless of what else is going on in my kingdom.
I know I'm always loved and will always have them on my 'team'.

...for my few VERY VERY  special  friends whom  can think with the same wave length as me, Whom have fulfilled my unthinkable whims along  my life's journey. Whom were there  through good and bad times.
They are really so much more than anyone could ask for.  I only  hope I'm half the friend to them as they are to me.

... my everyday 'tasks' because, despite the 'craziness' and fed-upness' (???) at times, I do what I love and therefore love what I do. It's such a gift to be passionate about doing 'stuffs' you love.

... for the many laughters, which I still see as not only good medicine but also life's loveliest music.

... for the days when my body cooperates and even the days when it doesn't;.. for it's in the days when it doesn't cooperate ( thankfully not that many) that I realize how very fortunate I am to have days when it does.

... for my sense of humor and also the ability to 'shut' and 'close'  unnecessary 'worries'.
 I can't imagine how much  of a struggle my life would be without this gifts.

... for my insight, perspective and gut instinct; for when I think carefully about people and events and listen to my head and heart, I am thankful for the gift of clarity.

...for the  things that make my house a home,  the things which can be neither bought nor sold, the invaluable sentimentals  attachments ( junks to some) 

..for my puppies, kittens, and all the other little pets that can always make me smile big smiles.
 For in these little bundles ( minus 'tons' of their daily poops!)  are so much  hidden joys.

There are still so very much more to be thankful for  BUT .....I will only recap them on next year's list.
For now I am much thankful that I am still breathing to be able to face abother new year.

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