Monday 10 January 2011


You could blow your hair to add more volume to it, you could cloak the imperfections on your face with a bit of foundation, or you could register yourself into a 21-days-diet to shed off those flabs. But you're still you. I'm still me
Most people can talk, talk so brilliantly that people  even can bow to them. Some can sing their hearts out, burst with such outstanding melody that you can't just help but have goosebumps.
 Few can actually think with great precision and are just simply....though sometimes annoyingly smart.

 You need not  have to say anything........what is meat to be will be.

 As I  searched for Quote of the Day, the one that stood out would have been this,
"To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone,"- Suzanne Gordon.

1 comment:

Jr said...

That sound like me...different and alone, alone and times taken for granted till gone.. been there so many times, just wondering now..any repeat performances?