Sunday 24 October 2010


A bright sunny sunday it was. Too bright for my daily one hour painting job.
Yea's a sunday and waking up early was not one of the 'things' that I usually do on a non school morning thus the reason for the much risen sun.
Not that I woke up exteremly late.Just that I didn't rush to do that particular task before the sun became too hot for comfort.
Another better reason for not doing was the fact that Andrew was still around and the chances of us going out for breakfast before he leaves for KK was high. I just didn't want to be 'interrupted' while busy working.

I had finished doing a load of washing while cleaing up Uku's and the rest of the gang's 'mess' before the maid came. Hhmm ..It's beginning to be a routine work for me seeing that she comes very late nowadays.
Not that I minded... I have always said I still could manage without her. Thus this proved my point.
Hehe... this is what I always wanted to believe BUT... the actual fact is I do really need her 'bad' for the 'thousands' times that I'm not at home.
Gosh...the 'headaches' of someone with pets will only be known.... by someone with pets :)

Thought of cleaning up the cupboard.... BUT......the mood to do was not there.(again!)
Had gone for a little bit of groceries shopping last night and had 'dumped' everything ( including the plastic bags they come with) into the cupboard.

Yeah... am not kidding when I said 'dump'

The girls had a blast picking up varieties of biscuits to try on

Andrew only left for Keningau ( yea...another audit job there) around midday .
His last minute 'stuff' ( listening to songs from his turntable...daaaa!) somehow 'glued' him from going out and getting breakfast. I had in the end fried a packet of mee hoon and eggs for everyone.
Having breakfast late was good in the sense that the girls won't want to have lunch anymore .... which inturn would leave me 'free' .
In my world the word 'free' would actually mean doing what I feel like doing. ... ( today it definitely won't be rearranging the cupboard.. hehe)
In was the mood to do some baking. I had actually planned to do the carrot cake Yona had been asking me to for days.... BUT somehow I ended doing the pineapple cookies.

The dough was just the right consistency
putting in the filling , rolling into shapes and giving them a few 'snips' as 'make up'
glaced in rows and ready for the oven
fresh from the oven

horrey!!!...the end product.
Hhmm... I had to be my own guinea pig as the girls doesn't seem to show the least interest in them. I should have gone with the carrot cake :(

I attended to my garden while the cookies were baking.
I'm happy to say that my chillies were growing strong and so were the limes.

These were going to be the mother plants for our new place.
“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”

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