Monday 12 August 2013

Raya Lagi

It's Monday ....but still another week before Lydia goes back to school.

I woke up almost eight...yup eight!
I felt asleep early last night and had gotten  up at three in the morning.
Getting back to sleep in the wee hours of the morning was bound to make you sleep late.
Anyhow, there wasn't anything on the 'list of things to do' morning was still routine but with a delay in the time.
Invitation for Mar's Raya open house was at 1pm but we left the house around twelve thirty as I wanted to stopover at Wangi supermarket and get some cat's food there.

***Price for cutie cats was a little cheeper than Servey but still expensive compared to TKS. (TKS always runs out of stock because they are the cheapest) Anyhow I was getting a big bag therefore is was still the cheapest among all - RM155
**** to top the bag of cats biscuits, I went on to the wet market for 40kg of chicken heads

Met Jo and her forestry's staff friends at Mar's.
***found out that Sheryl was taking health foundation in order to get into Australia!
 I noticed that Jo had a little difficulty in blurring that to me. Nor did she wanted to talk much about Sheryl.  Makes me wonder when did she ever get interested to go into veterinary ...or did mom's the word here.

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