Friday 9 March 2012


With Montana's surgery that went so well gives me such confidence with Blinly's to go as well.
I had prepared him for the surgery twelve hours earlier as which was recomended. I felt so guilty looking at his 'puppy face' asking to be let out from the pent I had put him in. The guilt feeling was much felt because he was such a skinny boy and I had so much difficulty in making him eat all the time.
My confidence had gotten lesser by the time we reached the clinic.   In my mind, somthing could still go 'wrong' . We totally refused to leave him there when the staff said we could.  He had meant for us to  leave Blinky there and only to return a few hours later to collect him when he was done.
I really didn't want to leave his site at all. He was so frightened with his surroundings.
The fact that he can't see much makes it necessary for me to calm him with my voice.
Same sight as Montana....he's ready

He looked as 'dead' as Montana had when they took him to the operating table and away from me.
It was half an hour later before he emerges from there but  was already struggling to wake up.
Phewwwww. . that was a good sight compared to Montana who was only gasping  once in every minute before breathing normally.
Those are the target

We took him home straight because he was bleading quite much by now.
Once home, a cone collar was put on and he was put away in the play pent.

Back home in confinement area

It was only in the late afternoon that he finally felt the pain of the operation or loosing his 'doghood'. He was whining all the time and was only sleeping in our embrace. On his own he would sleep standing up. Unlike Montana who was well and running about within the day, Blinky was sore for a few days.

Comfort and love in Jeff's arms 

Sleeping on his own when no one is free to carry him

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