Thursday 24 February 2011

IT'S THE TOP 24 American Idols

Aaaaaa.... so many wonder Jennifer broke down. Must be hard for her to 'crush' these people's dream. I could feel her difficulties by just looking at the already emotional contestants.
Overall I felt the judged did  weighted the right  deserving  contestants for the final 24 slots.

To reached the final 40, it's already ovious that they all can sing well. I guess their choices were more based on the contestants uniqness and what makes each one stand out above the rest.
No doubt, there are a few that were the judges's favourites since day one but then again who can blame them when  it's so ovious they deserve to go through straight to the final.
When it comes to these subjective judging, I have always said it'll all go down to their luck... with the judges's taste.
Just like beauty peagents....what one sees beautiful might not be so with another.

Almost all of them that's still on my list made it....well..almost.
Chris Medina didn't.. :(   they aired his final solo performance, based on which I know why he didn't make the list.
Only five singers were told last night that they made it to Season 10’s Top 24: Ashthon Jones of Nashville, Clint Gamboa of Long Beach, California, Haley Reinhard of Milwaukee, Naima Adedapo of Milwaukee and Paul McDonald of Huntsville, Alabama.

The remaining 19 of the top 24 were announced a day later:
  1. Karen Rodriguez: A Jennifer Lopez favorite from early on especially since her song choices paid tribute to JLo and Selena. She has some potential and a definite cuteness about her.
  2. Robbie Rosen:Some people insist that Robbie has amazing talent but it would not be outside the realm of possibility to predict that America will never recognize any star potential. He would have to undergo an amazing transformation between Hollywood Week and the live show before he could ever have a shot at making even the top 10.
  3. Tatynisa Wilson:Aside from some rather amusing lyrics to "I Hope You Dance," during Hollywood week, Tatynisa's time on camera has shown little to convince viewers she deserves a top spot.
  4. Tim Halperin: Finally some star potential! In addition to his adorable flirting with JLo during his LA audition, he is one of the few contestants who did justice to The Beatles performance. His talent is even further highlighted when he is behind a piano.
  5. Julie Zorrilla: Cute shoes, cute outfits, cute parents. That's the extent of it.
  6. Scotty McCreery:Despite the whole Jacee fiasco, Scotty has really managed to exude the charm and performances needed to earn his place in the top 24 and beyond. His final performance was astounding and it wasn't just because he finally stopped "locking those doors and turning the lights down low ... baby."
  7. Jovany Barretto:Maybe it is because he lost all integrity when he bared his chest to the judges after earning his golden ticket (did Kara DioGuardi's 2009 bikini nightmare not teach anyone a lesson?) but seeing Jovany in the Top 24 was a real surprise. Especially considering others, with so much more talent (although less impressive abs) like Colton Dixon were sent home. Boo!!!
  8. Lauren Turner:This housekeeper has a strong powerful voice and will be a great addition to the Top 24. She and Naima can then duke it out to determine who has the better Cinderella story.
  9. Rachel Zevita: Something about this contestant is reminiscent of last Season's Siobhan Magnus, maybe it is the odd outfits and performances. But as Siobhan demonstrated, sometimes America really is looking for something different. Only time will tell if Rachel, and her penchant for facial bedazzle, will strike a chord with viewers.
  10. Kendra Chantelle:This contestant got to perform with Paul McDonald and she gets in the Top 24? Some girls have all the luck.
  11. Jordan Dorsey: Jordan showed a less than flattering side of himself during group auditions by minimizing the talent of others when searching for new group members. His superior smirk when asked about how he may have insulted others, further demonstrated that Jordan is quite secure with his musical talents and believes his behavior was justified. He may find that Karma and America are less forgiving than the judges.
  12. Lauren Alaina:There was no doubt this contestant would secure a spot in the Top 24. It's talent like hers that continues to make American Idol relevant ... that and her purple cowboy boots.
  13. Stefano Langone: He has an affability and impressive dimples; even if his vocals don't stand up to the others, he'll likely be around for some time.
  14. Jacob Lusk:Jacob, Jacob, Jacob . . . Jacob is like Lobster Tomalley. Some insist it is the most phenomenal delicacy available, but like any delicacy, it is really an acquired taste. And let's face it, Americans (especially the Idol demographic) aren't really known for their distinguished and diverse palates. Many would much prefer burger and fries.
  15. Pia Toscano:Great name and tons of class, this beautiful contestant just may have enough talent to break the curse that seems to lurk over conventionally attractive female Idol contestants who always seem to be the first to go when voting begins.
  16. James Durbin: So he made it. This is as befuddling as the hangar theme. Do the judges really not recognize a one-trick pony when they see one?
  17. Casey Abrams:Just when you thought this guy couldn't get anymore talented he proves during his final performance that guys like him can be sexy, too. OK, so sexy is a strong word but incredibly, breathtakingly talented somehow doesn't seem strong enough. Even Randy, says that Casey is the most talented musician Idol has ever seen and for once Randy hits the nail on the head. If someone can beat Lauren Alaina - it's Casey Abrams.
  18. Thia Megia:With one spot left, Thia approached the judges alongside Jessica Cunningham and the polarities between the two couldn't have been more pronounced. Thia only 15, shy and inexperienced versus Jessica on her 25th birthday with six prior Idol attempts under her belt. While Jessica seemed ready for a bar fight with the chip on her shoulder and pleather outfits, ultimately innocence reigned supreme and Thia will be moving on. She would be wise to work on her presence before performing live before voters.
  19. Brett Loewenstern: Brett was an early standout during auditions but as time went by his mannerisms began distracting from his performances. His speeches, seemingly straight out of a Care Bear movie or self-help manual, made it hard to see the justice in Brett securing the final male spot, leaving Jacee Badeaux and Colton Dixon out of the running. Of the three, Colton showed the most marketable and current talent of all and it was tough to see his journey end before it even got off the ground.
So to these 19, add Wednesday night's five:

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