Wednesday 24 February 2010


I woke up early as usual as Lydia is having A school day as usual. Unlike Yona who was taking her second day 'self cuti' in a row. It'll be a third by tomorrow as tomorrow is Prophet Mohamad's birthday in accordance to the muslim calander and here it is celebrated as a public holiday.
Done the normal routine (....feeding the cats...picking the 'poops'...moping the 'she she'...) before starting yet again on my unfinish 'project' with the fence.

I have started painting them yesterday but with a half heartedly mood as it rained before I even got to start. When it was finally dried enough to start, it was already past three ...( partly because I bake a cake and I logged into Facebook..he he).
Other interference ..( my mom's visit plus the girls' training night).
By the looks of it, I can guarantee you they won't be complete for days to come.

The main reason for repainting was to cover up the patched of 'chipped' paint on the wall.There were patches of painted and unpainted spots all over. Running new paints on them gave uneven shades.... thus my problem.
The fact that I'm changing the colour tone doesn't help much.

In between the painting , I also did some cleaning on the rabbits' cages....something I should have done weeks ago.

This was how it looked....for months!!

A coat of paint over...... no difference yet

Three coats done and I could still see uneven shades.
Hhmm... guess I'm gonna have to spend a little more on paints than I initially thought.

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