Wednesday 24 June 2009


Every year we normally would go someplace within the state for the Harvest Festival holidays which falls on the last two days of May . This also will continue with the two weeks mid-year school holidays.
This year however, we were not going anywhere.
Andrew's medical review was on the 1st of June so it was an ovious reason why we couldn't go . Although he was on leave untill the 4th. I insisted that he extend it till the 7th as that was the day we needed to be in KK if we were to catch our flight to Kuching the following day.
Harvest fastival was therefore spent as another public holiday. For the working folks and students, it was days to wake up a little later than normal.
For me thou, it was just another ordinary day. Holiday or not,when I am at home, my wake up time never changes.... then again I got to nap throughut the day :)

This day too marked Lythicia's and my first day in Farm Town. We we so 'into' the game that this was practically what we did for almost a week. Andrew being the leader.
It was because of this too that out packing for the trip was only done on the day we leave itself. We were up till around 2am to watch out for our harvest. :)
Luckly Andrew was driving and we therefore we did not have any time schedule to follow. We left for KK at around eleven stopping for brunch lunch...early dinner..
Aaaahhhhh.... this is when the fat starts building up
Tisha once commented that all we did as a family was this... aha ...eating!

Stopping at out favourite place on the way to KK for some photographs.
Tasha with her public shuffling

Taking pictures ..... by the toilet

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