Tuesday 29 October 2013


sleeping early last night  ( - actually it wasn't really early 10.30pm) found me wide awake hours before my alarm rang.
I had fallen flat to lala land the moment my head hit the pillow last night. I'm so ashamed to say that should there be any intruder to the house....I won't know. I didn't even hear any dog barking at any time of the night  to morning.

The thought of getting back into bed when the alarm rang was quickly erased when Lydia asked for her cupcakes.
Aarrrr.... I haven't finished putting on the cream on the second batch I baked last night because they were still warm .
Anyhow ...I managed to do the extra five needed to fill the box in zippy time.
She only brought twenty-five pieces.

The brown Siamese finally gave birth

I knew she was about to deliver seeing she was so 'manja' for the past days.
Anyhow , she was one cat the doesn't have an easy delivery.  I didn't noticed how long her labour was until the first kitten was born. It was a long interval before the next one came.
 On that note too, the mama cat only 'cleaned' the first kitten. The second kitten was delivered but left with the umbilical cord and placenta still attached.
The third one was halfway delivered and was hanging out while she walked around.
The last kitten was the smallest litter and delivered much later.
I did the cleaning and cutting of the cords for all three before giving them back to the mama  cat to nurse.
She delivered two male and two females.  Four in all. Two blacks one seal point Siamese and another brown Siamese like herself.
Beautiful litter but I have a very 'bad' feeling that mama is not so keen with them and seems to be very inexperience in handling them.
I was even a little worried that she might sleep on top of them .

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