Tuesday 16 April 2013


Considered 'urgent'...we had to change the schedule of two spaying 'slot' for Poachy's operation.  Now this is the third cancellation for Biscuit. Arrrrrr it'll be another 'difficult' month when she goes on heat again.

The operation went well with good news that the lump was merely accumulation of extra fats and nothing more 'serious'. She did extremely gained weight after her spaying .

 It was much much smaller the first time I noticed it way back in November when she was about to be spayed 
It grew at an alarming rate that removing it was an urgency matter

Aawww....looking so sweet  for her appointment  - side profile on the enlarging lump.

This was 'it'

Few hours after the operation.....bleeding a little when I carried her home 

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