Sunday 5 December 2010


In the busy world that we live in, it is such a nice thing to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the people that are closest to us.
Families and love ones... we learn to appreciate them better and start to become grateful for the time spent together, even if it is just a few hours each day.

I looked around and 'see' these people around me .
I wonder what feelings goes through their mind.
.....and hearts.
Is everyone the same as me?

"Sometimes our hearts get tangled
And our souls a little off-kilter
Friends and family can set us right
And help guide us back to the light".
- Sera Christann

Inside myself is still a place where I live all alone.....
But a place where YOU renew your springs... that'll never dry up.

I know what I want but I must never be selfish. Priorities must come first.
There will be a time when what my heart wants will be my priority.

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