Thursday 11 November 2010


Today I felt somewhat like those intant coffee...three in one...kind of person. Expect that I think I became more than three should I really count it.
Let's see.... I woke up at the normal time that I do during school days.... plus the same feeling of wanting to go back to bed once the girls have gone off to school.
Despite that, I forced myself not to fall into that routine.
Looking around, there was really much to be done around the house. The sooner I'm doing rather than thinking of doing the better I know the situation will be.
I finally finish painting green colour the four iron chairs in the copound...Yea I'm a painter!
I 'did' two pails of cement mix for my smoothing project on the compound as well... hhmm I don't know what you call people who do this for a living but I was one of them.
I would have done more but ran out of sand ( -not buying becos there is still a huge pile at the back of the house ...BUT I will need to sieve them first because the pile has been there for YEARS!!!)
Today I also let out the 'chef' in me (again). I retried my kuih lapis with the correct steaming pan with tremendous success . The mould filled in so well as so with the final outcome product.

In between the 'real' work, I got to wash my car do a load of laundry , clean my room( includes cleaning the 'mess' the cat made and Blink Blink shredded newspapers), watch AFC and CSI (???) on Astro, go to the bank for withdrawal ,spent time with my surfing and playing my online games... hehehe (a must!)
That all falls into my existing 'occupation'list catogory as a home maker I should say. Agree?
Phew! at the end of the day I could proudly say ' a good well spent day'.
EXCEPT for this...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh.. I 'hated' them cats!
It took me a while to clen up the mess ( with their help to an extend).
but all was well ...except I ran out of eggs that day

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