Sunday 8 December 2013

Sunday...a day of rest in the hospital for mom

Andrew woke up early so I was up early too.
He left for KK around six thirty. I was up and about doing my morning 'routine' when dad called and asked when I would be going to the hospital.
I had read Daisy's message last night that the Doctors wanted to meet all of us siblings to discuss the next cause of action for mom condition . That was set at 10am today.
I had also read that she was going to see mom I had not planned to go there earlier than the 10am appointment.
So typical of her to go back on her words.

We left for the hospital around nine and just made it in time to talk to the Doctor...well Jeff and Dad were the ones that did. Daisy was away taking Dad's medication at the dispensary while I was waiting outside the ward ( on Doctors rounds, visitors were not allowed in the ward)

We all went back while Daisy stayed till her flight to KK this evening.
had breakfast with Jeff and Lydia at the coffee shop near Alice's Bakery because I wanted to get some eggs for my baking session planned for today ( unfortunately cancelled due to laziness!!!)

another round of hospital visit with dad around seven this evening. Mom seems ok and was very cheerful . She didn't asked for anything specific to eat but was very happy with the bananas we brought her. She complained about not being able pass motion easily.
Marylyn had came earlier and brought her some rice porridge for dinner.

8/12/2013 - mum on a long distant call with Appy and giving the PEACE sign for fb to show us that she's ok

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