Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Having not attending church last week, it's only the more the reason to attend this week.
Dad was in KK so mom came to pick us up . No one notices the car's tyres but mom kept saying that it feels like 'wobbly'.
It was left at that until the time to go home.
One of the front tyre was totally 'flat'.
It was to be a few minute job to replace UNLESS...
1. it was parked on a slop
2. mom's car did not have part of the 'jack'
3.the people helping doesn't have the right 'jack'... three cars with all different 'jacks'
4.the spare tyre was also totally 'flat'.... bad way of finding out AFTER they have change it
5.the spare tyre they brought to pump was faulty and had to come back for the first one for the tube to be change

With everything said, it took more than two hours for the car to finally be able to move.

A picture during service..... ish ish ish

Ooh... caught on camera. Special song from the women ministries

Realising the 'flat' after service

Men to the rescue

women onlookers

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