Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Every year from the month of October to November, the church organises family day activities. Families were assigned to a few group/'family'.
Every 'family' was given the opportunity to conduct service for that particular sabbath they were each assigned to.
Other than that there were quizes and games played .
Afterwhich 'potluck' was held.
This year I was assigned to a different 'family' from mom and dad.
Their group won, mine only managed second.
Jo and me doing our favourite pose....with the food in hand
Dad, mon and the girls....amongs other
Chicken with potatoes in vegetarian oyster sauce... one of my dish
Mom's fame curry chicken
Desserts's table... with my durian pudding
a view of one 'table'....
.....and another
special presentation from the Niyo's 'family'
'Head' of the family singing on vasper's night

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