Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Weekend with spare time to clean the refrigerator found me busy in the kitchen baking instead after finding too many green apples lying in the vegetable's box.
While making apple pie, Lydia asked for her cupcakes to which I promised I would .
I had on an earlier thought wanted to try out the popiah skin/Nespray tits bits I've always tasted on hari raya's open houses. I had rolled out the 'skins' earlier on and was just waiting for them to dry out prior to frying.
Not a bad day as 'eveything' turned out successful.
Ready for the oven...
Yona's knife cutting the just out of the oven pie
A must have at every baking... Lydia's favourite cupcakes
Something new that I tried.. 'Batang buruk' or rotten log (????) .. which in actual is tiny rolled popiah skin in nespray/peas powder.


Every year from the month of October to November, the church organises family day activities. Families were assigned to a few group/'family'.
Every 'family' was given the opportunity to conduct service for that particular sabbath they were each assigned to.
Other than that there were quizes and games played .
Afterwhich 'potluck' was held.
This year I was assigned to a different 'family' from mom and dad.
Their group won, mine only managed second.
Jo and me doing our favourite pose....with the food in hand
Dad, mon and the girls....amongs other
Chicken with potatoes in vegetarian oyster sauce... one of my dish
Mom's fame curry chicken
Desserts's table... with my durian pudding
a view of one 'table'....
.....and another
special presentation from the Niyo's 'family'
'Head' of the family singing on vasper's night


My favourive baking when I have limited time and yet still felt like baking ...muffins!
Must do in two flavours as Tisha only eats chocolate ones.

When Tisha's urge to have the roti tissue strike....
We would normally have them at the nearest indian shop around...i.e. one near to Giant . A very porpular eating and 'meeting' place even late at night.


Having not attending church last week, it's only the more the reason to attend this week.
Dad was in KK so mom came to pick us up . No one notices the car's tyres but mom kept saying that it feels like 'wobbly'.
It was left at that until the time to go home.
One of the front tyre was totally 'flat'.
It was to be a few minute job to replace UNLESS...
1. it was parked on a slop
2. mom's car did not have part of the 'jack'
3.the people helping doesn't have the right 'jack'... three cars with all different 'jacks'
4.the spare tyre was also totally 'flat'.... bad way of finding out AFTER they have change it
5.the spare tyre they brought to pump was faulty and had to come back for the first one for the tube to be change

With everything said, it took more than two hours for the car to finally be able to move.

A picture during service..... ish ish ish

Ooh... caught on camera. Special song from the women ministries

Realising the 'flat' after service

Men to the rescue

women onlookers


As we no longer celebrate birthdays with a party at home, Yona's birthday was celebrated with the usual dinner at a restaurant with families and friend.
Again Kg Pukat was our choice.
Dad was not in town so it was only mom that came. Beside Rocky and Flo, Joanna and her 'kids', Yona invited her bowling coach Alex and his wife to attend.

Bringging in the cake

Dinner with our favourite people

Fish...our favourite dish

Fish cake to try to believe how 'sedap' it is

Fish...again.. plain steam fish with fish sauce

Sheryl,Lydia,Birthday girl , Tisha and Diane

The face of someone getting older