Monday, 30 March 2009


It's been twice that I have missed church. My dad's eye brows raised each time I came up with excuses. This week I had no choice but to go inorder not to get a long lecture from him.
There were actually still plenty of 'things' I needed to do which I normally choose to do whenever Andrew is around..... namely taking my pets to the vet and marketing for their food!
I guess I will need to do that by myself this week as he showed no indication of fulfilling my ajendas.
My car's front tyres needed air.... (..I need petrol too!)
As Andrew came for us using his car after church sevice, there was no chance to use mine thus......I'll have to do these myself too.. Eeehhhhhh..

There were no training session for the girls today although we did go to the alley. We had our lunch at the cafe instead.

aha... my favourite gesture (not forgetting Tisha's peace sign)..... taking a self portrait

Tonight was spent on the net at our own 'cyber cafe'... aha.. that's the long table infront of the tv .
Multi tasking till the wee hours of the morning although Andrew and me did went out for dinner and some shopping during the save the 'earth hour''s hour.

We saw a lot of lighted houses..... some people can be so ignorant.
Typical Malaysian on nature's issues?

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