SATURDAY February 28th
I woke up at 6.30am inorder to complete my chores before getting ready for church. Andrew had gone jogging at the sports complex much earlier. By the time he came back , the girls were on their way to church. I stayed back. He had said that we were taking the 'babies' for their first vacincation.
Vacination would mean no bath for the next two weeks!. That was my reason for staying back. I wanted to get them bathed and clean . I ended giving Hair and Nay theirs too.
We were at the vet around 11am and finished half an hour later. Just the right time to pick the girls up from church.
Andrew had made a date with Rocky and Roy to have lunch at our... Fish soup's shop.
That was the name we gave to the Javanese restaurant we so frequent at bandar Leila.
The girls went for training after lunch.
They were done by 3pm so we had time to have their hair 'chopped'. Tisha was very pleased with her short hair. Yona wasn't .... hhmmm.. too late
Had roti canai and teh tarik at Zakaria's before returning home.
Night was spent watching a movie on tv.
SUNDAY March 1st
"Lazy" day for everyone. We all woke up late. Later than normal for me as I still had to let the maid in around eight.
We went out for breakfast at Kim Fung and later send Yona to the bowling alley. She had practice at eleven. Tisha couldn't attend as she was having a fever due to her ear infection ( bad habbit of 'digging'.. ahem ahem). She had also made an earlier facial appointment with Cathrine.
I had to go home first to fetch my own transport as the whole day's trip so far was done with Andrew as driver.
I fetched Yona from the alley sometime around three and Tisha from Bandar Indah soon after.
MONDAY March 2nd
The day went by as in every week.... slow and lazy.
Well perhaps much more on the girls' side. They were always complaining about the weekend being too 'short'. I, on the other hand had a busy day. I did not do any washing yesterday therefore had to do two loads today.
Tisha had decide not to go to school even after getting into her uniform.
Her fever was getting really high that I thought it would be best to see a doctor.
Andrew too was still around as he still have his medical review to attend to.
I knew for a fact that the day would be sometime this week. He has been going jogging every morning since the day he came home last week. He only excercise when his review is due as so with controlling his 'fobidden' foods.
We went to see Dr Edmund around 8.30am but was told that he would only be in by 10am. must be good to have patients waiting for hours for mere antibiotics. I'm sure Tisha would be given antibiotics too.
I've been in her 'shoes'... I'm a digger myself...ha ha ha.... ear only la
We too decided to wait to 'see' him evethough we did go out for 'other stuff' before coming back to the clinic.
I had another one of those 'sweets' attack so Andrew bought me another birthday cake to try. This time it was a chocolate cheese cake. Wonderful cheesy taste.
Again.... those fingers
Team training for the girls was as usual at 7.00p.m. Today they offically starts the MSN program . We bowled as well. Me and Jo.
I had a wonderful score but Jo didn't. She said her body was 'hurting' all over so We bowled for only an hour . We then sat at the cafe to have coffee and starts making plans to get body massages at Alley's or Helen's the next day.
TUESDAY March 3rd
It was to be a great day for me. Well it turned out exactly as it was supposed to. Perhaps much better than we expected.
The older girls were having the day off as it was their school's annavesary.
Was to have breakfast with Jo at her place but made some changes at the last minute. We went for a whole body massage at Tyng Garden. Helen's place.
Wow.... some 'kung fu' moves that china lady had..... I ended up aching more than before.
No regrets thou... it was really good although Jo wasn't really satisfied and kept on insisting that we should have gone to "Menggatal"( this is a real place somewhere in KK ) for the best massage ever.
I came home around three, did the normal routine 'things' with what needs doing before taking a short nap.
Andrew and Lydia stayed home while we went to the bowling alley.
Brought some friends for a dissapointing dinner at Champ's. We were a bit full and 'malas' to find a much better place.
I became the driver for the Sepilok trip. A rare 'thing' for someone like me who would normally escape such a task. Anyhow... Andrew went off so early for his medical results review that I didn't 'catch' him for the job. Well at least the girls managed to catch their school's ride. I didn't catch him again later as he had left for Lahad Datu to attend the office's annual dinner.
Me and the gang had breakfast at Tyng so we had ample time for we did reached Sepilok an hour earlier than the 'feeding' time.
Gave a courtesy call to Slyvia at her office. I have not seen her for awhile now.
A bit hot day to be out but heck.... it was'nt often that I'm out with good friends for company. I think I walked quite a distance throughout the 'experience'.
I felt I Should have done this more often as the feeling throughout the time was wonderful. So many local places I've heard and not been to. So glad too that I didn't get sunburn. Although I did get sun stroked... or whatever stroke you call it.... hhmm kepala pening
The only dissapointment was the fact that we didn't get to see more than one orang utan during the feeding time. The 'Finale' of Sepilok was from the other monkey specie . Free life 'show'.Too bad we didn't catch it on tape.

Thats an opportunity one seldom gets. Picture with Sylvia while she was at work

A walk across.... mountains and oceans..

Lunch.... crocodile's meat?

Training for the girls went as usual.
Came home with no electricity. Apparently there was 'something' going on with the current.
Current on... current off...... that was how it was throughout the night...
Typical old problem in Sandakan.
We ended up 'hot' and sweaty.... ha ha ha... no choice but to sleep early.
Woke up same time as Tisha. Guess sleeping early does make you want to wake up earlier.
After the girls left for school, I took my shower and did the needs to do 'stuff'.
Left the house around 6.30am. I have made a 'date' with the gang for an early breakfast as they were leaving early that morning. Told Andrew I was going to bank in the girls's monies at mile 4 when he called. Guess I should have told him I was still at Tying cos an sms from him asking why my car was at Tying came soon. I hate to do the unnecessary explaination. He'll never understand.
Went to do the bank-in before coming home half an hour later.
Was house bound the whole day. A day wasted?.... yes I should say so unless you're on the net...he he
The fact of the matter was the sun must have gotten the better side of me for I was feeling a slight fever and a sore throat.
I just couldn't get in the right 'mood' for anything... even blogging
It was the bowling centre again for the girls. They bowl while Andrew and me had dinner.
Silent was 'everywhere'. Mainly my fault I think. I wasn't in the mood for talk either.... my throat hurts.
I practically fell asleep while sitting down waiting for them to finish.Should have brought my lap top.
I found out later that Jo too was doing some sleeping in her car at the parking lot.
FRIDAY March 6th
Friday means a busy morning for me. The girls 'date' with school ends at around 11.30am therefore gives me little time to 'finish' ( though it seems I will never) my routine.
This morning though, the 'mood' to do anything just wasn't there. My head seems heavy. I'walked around' the house doing almost nothing that in the end I was sitting infront of the tv .
I was full of emotions watching a movie on hallmark. Lovely movie that made me cry so easily.
Aahhhhhhh.... I hate it when I'm feeling helpless and not in control.
TM net was still out of order.It's been almost a week that I've waited.
I neeeeeeeeeeed to have access.
I made many more annoying calls to their complaint centre later before it was finally ok.
The technican finally come and 'fixed' the problem around 2pm. He said 'something' needs changing. Hhmm ..that wasn't my problem ..was it?
I've been using Andrew's broadband in the meantime so time in 'here' was limited as he too uses it.(whenever he's awake from napping)
Come 7pm, It was training again for the girls.
We had gone there early as Andrew wanted to catch a movie.
He didn't. The one he wanted to see was only showing at midnight.