Monday, 28 September 2009


It's that season again and mom's rambutan tree (used to be two but sadly one died last year) has turned reddish again.
She called earlier in the morning but the girls had dental appointments so we only came in the evening.
I have asked Jo to come along but she did not respond to my sms earlier so I left without her. She was a better 'climber' than I was....especially on the tarap trees.
It was already past five when we got there.
Still visible but the 'nyamuk' was annoying. I had 'geared' up but Tisha (being young and know less .. he he) had a lot of the bites to show.
Yona ( younger but 'smarter) totally stayed away.... until we came back with the 'results'
Looks very tempting.....and 'easy'

haiiiiiiiii... don't have the height

he he.... got a bunch of them

The mosquitoes made us stop with only a plastic full.... which we 'finish up' in less than half an hour

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