I would normally just lay back and 'relex' once the girls were out of the house on mondays.
This week thou,as with last week ( Andrew was still around), that was something I have to forego totally.
I had forgotten to do a simple task dad had asked me since last week (while he was in KK).
Not that I didn't want to do it then,... I just kind of forgotten about it.
Now that he is back here, I had to face the consequences.
aha.....yap yap yap... blah blah blah.... till I finally agreed to do it with the upmost urgency.
Mom had said she'll call me should she really wants to head into town today.
Knowing her ways, that would usually mean a 'go' once she has mentioned it.
The maid didn't come again yesterday so I thought I would not be 'free' so early today should she.... again... decide not to come.
Well she came earlier than the usual so I hadn't done most of her chores.
Rang up mom to tell her that I was ready anytime she was.
I waited... and waited for another 'cool' half an hour before they ( Atlas as well) came. I had said I was not going to drive today so he came in as our driver.... he he..escape lagi
I actually even managed to catch a short nap while waiting for them.
I was told later the delay was caused by Daisy's phone call.
The same old problem with herlife...... blah blah blah.... blah blah blah....
again with her endless stories of having no job...no where to stay.... finally to no money. Also the fact that she doesn't want to come home... blah blah blah...
the list goes on.
I have been telling them not to bail her out each time she came up with such stories for years but still falls to deaf ears.
Today her request for cash was denied ..... for the moment
hhmm...... with so many 'sofies' in the family. I'm sure it won't be long before someone do a tt.
The task which took me all the way uptown was just to pick a land title from dad's lawyer . It was merely a five minute task but required me to personally do as my signature was needed as proof of dispatched.
With that done, we went seperate ways to do our own things before meeting up at Suntos.
( mom went to meet someone, Atlas went to pay his car's instalment while I.... did some bakeware shopping...... he he... again)
We had steam fishes for lunch at the 'not to be missed'/'right infront suntos' shop before proceeding to 'check out' the new market for some night cream I wanted.
Atlas wanted to check out Genting Mas Mall as well but couldn't as finding a parking space was almost impossible. We did however circle twice looking for one still to no avail.
As we still have time to kill before the girls were back, Atlas took us to Vida Blue for some 'coolent'.
Yuk.... yuk... yuks... was all I could say about the avacado smooties we ordered.
I specifly asked if their avacados were well ripe before ordering them and was given the assurance they were. I had bad 'experiences before with unripen avacados'
Atlas had the same complain.'.. nothing like the one I had in KK' was his exact words.
It was already two by the time we got home.
That was the time for one of my 'don't want to miss programme' on Astro.
Watching that gave up an hour of my time... nap time included
I had promised myself a moist chocolate for today's baking lesson.
I took a ten minute break for a short nap( .... again)before making the cake.
As promised.. I delivered. a dark moist chocolate cake.
It tasted better than its look.
The girls did their usual part with Tisha suprisingly ate a whole piece there and then.
It was chocolate after all...she loves chocolate as much as her mama..
I saved few pieces for her to let her school friends taste.
I got nothing but good reviews.... ahem ahem...feels so good.
.... a piece to taste

Cut for an inner view....

moist and warm still.... hhmm that sounds like something else

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