Monday, 18 May 2009


I can't figured out what is wrong with my internet connection .
It was fine earlier on but now it's been days that I'm unable to get acces to the net.
I have waited days for Andrew's return to 'fix' the problem.
Now that he's here.... it's still 'unfix'.... geram..geram
He says I need to reprograme the whole system.
Yeah?..ok....told him do what needs to be done. Just that he seems to be taking his sweet time doing mine. He's done Yona's and the home's pc

Today I had to wake up early as the 'babies' were already making noise to go out .
I don't know why no one else would do this task but me... why la?
I just don't get it with the girls or Andrew for that matter. It seems that the whole pets responsibilites falls on me.
Hardly anything is done by them. Some days I really felt its toil getting on my nerves.
Well... waking up early now seems already to be my daily routine. But today, I felt a bit thankful as I had ample time to do a few chores before it was time for church.
The biggest task of them all was doing the laundry.... by hand!
The washing machine was giving it's old problem back. Hhmm...probably will need a new one soon....
The power shuts suddenly after I've fill the tube with water . It'll stay shuts awhile till at a time it'll suddenly on again. The process of on and off will take for hours before the load is done.
I rather hand wash to save time.
Doing the laundry is now a daily routine for me as I rather do a day's rather than a pile of days's accumated dirty cloths.
For now, I find it still ok to drip dry .... come rainy season.... a brand new machine.. he he

Dad was still in Kk so it was mom that came for us. She was early as the girls have not finish putting together their necessary bowling attire for Andrew to take later on.

Coming in early means we got to be there for service's opening. One of the event we have missed for a couple of weeks in a row.
With no sabbath school story and no sabbath school lessons, we were off a bit early. We had to wait for Andrew this time instead of him waiting for us.

Jo and me bowled three games each before the girls's training was done. Andrew had gone to the movies (again) therefore we ate late lunch while waiting for his movie to finish.
Sleepy eyes...

The rest of the days were spent at our 'cyber table'.......but not me..sob ..sob
.. but I got to concerntrate on AF7 finals.
Didn't like the eventual winner but then again I didn't really have anyone that I had hope to win. Nothing like American idol at all. Go Adam go....
Bet all the Sarawakian were rejoicing with Hafis's win. Given the choice of Sarawakian, I would have preferred Claudia.
I kind of thought this was all pre planned.The rating of the show was dwindling and the only 'dumb' people to vote in were east malaysian.....(seeing on how many contestants there were from east Malaysia and .....I was told so )
Last year it was a Sabahan so this year surely it will be a Sarawakian... get it?

Wednesday, 13 May 2009


I practically forgotten what went through the week as I was darn busy with trying to get the right people to reconnect my home streamyx line. The line went down possibly on thursday night where there was a terrible storm. Well actually streamyx was still ok but my home phone line went down first.
I didn't realised it myself until Mom tried calling but couldn't get through.
She was making all her calls through my handphone so......let's just say since internet access was still available, I was not really bother with the house's phone.

Problem starts on friday night when I couldn't get access to my favourite pastime..... surfing
As Andrew was still around, that was also a small problem we could overlook.
He has a celcom broadband to use.
The real problem started only when 'everyone' wanted access.....and when Andrew left for KK.

The girls's training was set at 10.30am... much earlier than the normal saturday's training time.
A little inconvenient for us 'holy holy' folks as church only finishes at 11.30am.
We solved that by not attending Sabbath school classes.
We came in Dad's car earlier so I had to ask Andrew to come for us at 10am for the bowling date.
We could and would have skipped the whole church thing if it wasn't for the fact that today was not ordinary saturday. Today was mother's day celebrated in church.
And I had somehow promised mom I would be attending service. I guess she wanted me to come as from previous years experiences, every mom would be given a token by one of her children this day in honour and appreciation of her role as a mother. Since none of her other children were here, she had to make me come.
Last year we got a mug that read ' I love mum' and a piece of cake... this year it's a single fresh stalk of carnation.
Mom complained..... nothing to eat!
hhmm...they were lovely and it has been a while since I received any flowers.

Curi curi ambil gambar sendiri. Wrong angle cos I....we ...look a little chubby here.

Two moms, two daughter and a grandmother ..

My carnation

Went to the bolwing alley where the girls had a video viewing session till 12pm which they continue on the lane till 2pm.
Me,Jo and Diane went for brunch and later down town while Andrew went to catch a movie at the nearby cenima.

Andrew and the girls ate late lunch at the alley's cafe before going home to sleep the remaining afternoon away.
Well at least for the rest of them. I had made an earlier appointment to meet with an 'om' (ha ha.. not that kind of appointment).
I had wanted him to clear up the weeds at the back portion of my house.
The sun and the rain had played their part in letting the grasses and creepers grow to such a sight...
I would normally do the clearing myself but the sight of hundreds of 'kerengga' ants wasn't so appealing.
There were a whole lot of them everywhere ....they bite too!

As they had late lunch... and I was darn tired from gardening and the fact that I missed my afternoon nap, no dinner was prepared.
I was yearning for avocado smootie but it was kind of late and Andrew didn't show any interest at all to get off his comfort zone..... infront of the pc updating his family tree on Geni..

Tonight I stayed up till 3am just to get my chance to log into the net. We had been 'fighting' for Andrew's broadband since yesterday. Tisha had a school project to finish '...really really need to use it'.. were her exact words therefore got the chance to use it before me.
I caught her reading her friendster's messages.... hah..tembirang betul!

To report my faulty telephone, I had to go to mom's place to use her phone. I have forgotten than we can't use the handphone to do so.
I did that when I went over to fetch Lydia.
Her exams were due and I've cut her number of nights at popoh's so that she can do some revision at home.

It was already 9pm when I went over to mom's. They were just starting to watch Akademi Fantasia on Astro. Lydia was well sleeping on the couch.
Hhmm... so I took my time there.

First to do a few minutes of massaging with the vibrating belt...I ended up nowhere slimmer but itching all over where I've been shaken!
Secondly... I flipped trough old family photographs to scan and upload to the Geni family tree account.
Thirdly... I watched Akademi Fantasia with them... well at least half of it.

Went back at 11 and join the 'gang' at our 'cyber table'.
I got to use the broadband only at 1am... when I practically forced Tisha to go and sleep.....
and that is why I ended up sleeping at 3am.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


I like to think mondays are my off days. Since weekends are my busiest day...yeah...slaving myself for the girls and 'the man'.
I would normally just lay back and 'relex' once the girls were out of the house on mondays.
This week thou,as with last week ( Andrew was still around), that was something I have to forego totally.
I had forgotten to do a simple task dad had asked me since last week (while he was in KK).
Not that I didn't want to do it then,... I just kind of forgotten about it.
Now that he is back here, I had to face the consequences.
aha.....yap yap yap... blah blah blah.... till I finally agreed to do it with the upmost urgency.

Mom had said she'll call me should she really wants to head into town today.
Knowing her ways, that would usually mean a 'go' once she has mentioned it.

The maid didn't come again yesterday so I thought I would not be 'free' so early today should she.... again... decide not to come.
Well she came earlier than the usual so I hadn't done most of her chores.
Rang up mom to tell her that I was ready anytime she was.

I waited... and waited for another 'cool' half an hour before they ( Atlas as well) came. I had said I was not going to drive today so he came in as our driver.... he he..escape lagi
I actually even managed to catch a short nap while waiting for them.
I was told later the delay was caused by Daisy's phone call.
The same old problem with herlife...... blah blah blah.... blah blah blah....
again with her endless stories of having no where to stay.... finally to no money. Also the fact that she doesn't want to come home... blah blah blah...
the list goes on.
I have been telling them not to bail her out each time she came up with such stories for years but still falls to deaf ears.
Today her request for cash was denied ..... for the moment
hhmm...... with so many 'sofies' in the family. I'm sure it won't be long before someone do a tt.

The task which took me all the way uptown was just to pick a land title from dad's lawyer . It was merely a five minute task but required me to personally do as my signature was needed as proof of dispatched.
With that done, we went seperate ways to do our own things before meeting up at Suntos.
( mom went to meet someone, Atlas went to pay his car's instalment while I.... did some bakeware shopping...... he he... again)

We had steam fishes for lunch at the 'not to be missed'/'right infront suntos' shop before proceeding to 'check out' the new market for some night cream I wanted.
Atlas wanted to check out Genting Mas Mall as well but couldn't as finding a parking space was almost impossible. We did however circle twice looking for one still to no avail.

As we still have time to kill before the girls were back, Atlas took us to Vida Blue for some 'coolent'.
Yuk.... yuk... yuks... was all I could say about the avacado smooties we ordered.
I specifly asked if their avacados were well ripe before ordering them and was given the assurance they were. I had bad 'experiences before with unripen avacados'
Atlas had the same complain.'.. nothing like the one I had in KK' was his exact words.

It was already two by the time we got home.
That was the time for one of my 'don't want to miss programme' on Astro.
Watching that gave up an hour of my time... nap time included
I had promised myself a moist chocolate for today's baking lesson.
I took a ten minute break for a short nap( .... again)before making the cake.

As promised.. I delivered. a dark moist chocolate cake.
It tasted better than its look.
The girls did their usual part with Tisha suprisingly ate a whole piece there and then.
It was chocolate after all...she loves chocolate as much as her mama..
I saved few pieces for her to let her school friends taste.
I got nothing but good reviews.... ahem ahem...feels so good.

.... a piece to taste

Cut for an inner view....

moist and warm still.... hhmm that sounds like something else

Monday, 4 May 2009


Today passed as any other day. I just wanted to note something here because this was the day I finally watch the video 'YES MAN' ....and 'sees' what everyone has been telling me.


My printer was giving me 'trouble'.... again!
I have three printers but this is the one that has been giving me troubles each time I needed to use one. This is also the one that has gone to the 'workshop' twice.
I needed to use the scanner but it's not working now so today I had to send it in for the third time.One more time and it's the dumster for him. Repairing it cost me more than buying a new one all together.
With that done.... sunday was a free for anything day.

Andrew decided to try out his new camera on kidding...he was. The place he chosed to do this was at Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkies santuary.
I had decided to invited mom and Atlas to tag along as they too have not been to this place before eventhough it has been 'there' for awhile now .
Yup ... this is the place to visit if you ever want to see the Proboscis monkies.
One of the two monkies attractions of Sandakan town.
A very popular place for tourist indeed.
Feeding time was at 11.30am with only thirty minutes of 'showtime' allowed. They closes the viewing pad at 12pm exact.
Entrance fee was priced at RM15 per adult, RM5 for children under 12 and RM10 for each camera brought in.
Andrew paid for his camera ( ha ha...had to leave the new one in the car)while I didn't pay.. neither did mom ( see where I got 'it' from) for mine although I used it for most of these shots.
The trip was worth to take as seeing the monkies was a guaranteed item( unlike sepilok). Provided you have the right kind of transportion to get you there in the first place. It quite a distand interior after the main road. I'm not sure how many km it was but it felt like an endless ride. Most likely because the road was within a plantation and all that you'll see left to right were palm oil trees.... with only a arrowed sign board appearing now and then at every junction.
This is how the ticket looked like
Welcome sign board

The viewing area

Me and my baby brother

The 'clan'

The alfa male.... I know where your focus is... it's very ovious isn't it?

We were informed that there is a lodge and restaurant in the near distant of the santuary. We proceed to check the place out which was called Nipah Lodge.
The short distant turned out to be not that short. It was again the ever winding plantation road that finally lead to reclaimed area by the edge of the river.
We saw the restaurant first.The cabins were further down the river.
The first sight... main entrance

Although I didn't ask, I think they do provide with river cruises as there were a few of these boats around

Looking at the menu, pricing was reasonable although they only have 4 item on the food menu....
1.set lunch comprising of plain rice, choice of fish or chicken, veggi,dessert and drink for RM20
choice of fried..
2. rice
3. mee
4. mee hoon
all priced at RM6
Drinks were priced according the the standard pricing list.
There were two 'funny' incidents that occured which will make me remember this eatery.
1. they totally forgot our drinks orders . Andrew had even finished his rice before the waiter came to the table to ask if we had ordered any drinks and the nerves to state that the girl had forgotten . Come on!
There were only another family eating then. I couldn't imagine how she would have handle a dozen. How could she have forgotten?.... I wondered

2. the cook totally forgot to add in salt to the food. Talk about healthier habbit. We asked for katchup but that only came after everyone had finish eating.

Hhmm..... I hate to put any good reviews here unless they do something about the service and the food... it would be doing unjustice to everyone.

Normal pose... me and the place

The saltless fried rice... looks better than it taste

The bill


The morning of labour's day was greeted as any ordinary day. Maybe because I have not been working for such a long while that I don't appreciate an 'off' day unlike those who works....he he
The girls took the day as a day to sleep a little longer normally.
Since excercise is a must thing now, Andrew had gone jogging at around five.
I on the other hand had an dental appointment made earlier therefore had to be up and out of the house before eight.
I had wanted to go alone but Andrew seems so eager accompany me... hhmmm..
I didn't mind as that would mean I do not need to drive myself.
We came early so finding a parking space was still not a problem.
Infact we found one just a few steps from the clinic.
I was the first patient of the day.
...dig here, drill there, paste here, paste there.
Walla..everything was done within less than twenty minutes. The charges was almost Rm200 (small amount compared to RM420 for Andrew's a few days ago)
Wow... surely a fast way of making money.
I think I need to change the girls 'wanna be when they grow up' profession from a veterinarian to a dentist.
I don't know..... he made is looks so easy

With the morning 'date' done so fast, I decided to have another 'date' with a totally 'different' doctor. Dissaponted thou.
I was booked only at 2.45pm. Seems women were lining up at his clinic just to have him 'look'( not forgetting 'probe'..) at them.
This was indeed not something I would normally do ( and ended up with me getting the bill???) but I have been worried with some 'issues' regarding my menstrual cycle for the past few months. Safe than sorry?... I was thinking (for months) more towards that.
The menopause syndrome perhaps?..... ( I was later told '... not that soon'!still have pleanty of 'eggs' lining up there)

Anyhow with the appointent made only in the afternoon, we went off to try breakfast at Kg Pukat. We have had seafood dinners there plenty of times but breakfast would be a first now. I was following recommendations from bloggers in Facebook on how 'yummy' their food was.
You could almost sense the 'goodness' of it even before tasting them with the numbers of people coming in and going out from the 'shop' ( it was more of a house than a shop)
Although we didnt't get to try out the house's best, I can say credits were justifed. ...perhaps another few more visit in the near future for recomfirmation.

The rest of the day was spent at home doing our favourite thing.... napping...eating... networking..watching...sleeping....( in that order!)
Electricity bill this month will definitely go rocket high as we were blasting the airconditioners in all the rooms..... it was that darn hot.

There's the 'iklan' at Facebook....

I tried the mee hoon soup with fish fillet...

This is the the real deal.... with the scallops but without the prawns

The senery of the shop... opps.. place?...home?


Saturday, 2 May 2009


It's comfirmed. After months of questions marks, Andrew finally admit that he must have Lilly in his life.
Like it or not I have no choice now but to adjust myself to 'her' presence in our lives.
Andrew says 'she' would be much better for his liver in the long run....hhmmmm I suppose hes right.

eehhhh..... do it yourself

yup.... meet Lilly