Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Sunday night was the first annivesary of aunt Floser's death. There was prayers held at Steve's place in Taman Rimba at eight that night.
More for a reason why Andrew didn't go back to KK this morning other than the meeting at the Forestry Department tomorrow.
Most of his kins were there for the occassion. Simple and kept for close friends and  relatives only.

I remembered aunt Floser with fond memories. A very petite pious woman with a soft voice who laugh easily as Andrew's jokes. She was Andrew's dad adopted sister.

How time flies and it's been a year since she passed on.
She was the first 'old' relative of Andrew that I met when we started as a couple years ago.

Infact it was her house where we used to 'lepak lepak' when there were nowhere to go or there were no good movies showing at the local cenimas...yup... we used to see a lot of movies back then.
She was ever so ready welcoming us to her home.
Remembering how good she was then makes me feel a little guilty  for not showing up at her funeral then.
Well.. tonight was like making up for what I didn't do a year ago.

Although I did not participate in the prayers as I do not belong to the same church, I did sang along with the singing.

Viewing what to savour...

Attacking the food....

The food before the attack...

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