Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Dream- 20/12/2016


To see coins in your dream indicate missed or overlooked opportunities that have come your way.  To see gold coins in your dream represent success and wealth.  Silver coins represent spirituality, intuition, values, and your sense of self-worth. Copper coins indicates healing.

To see coins stacked in your dream symbolize masculine power, dominance, and energy.

To dream that you are flipping a coin represents your casual attitude about making some decision. You may also not be taking responsibility for your decisions.


To see gold in your dream symbolizes wealth, riches, natural healing, illumination and/or spirituality. It is also a symbol of love, longevity and domestic bliss. Negatively, gold may represent greed, corruption and temptation.

To find gold in your dream indicates that you have discovered something valuable about yourself. This may be some hidden talent or knowledge.

To bury gold in your dream suggests that you are trying to hide something about yourself.


To see your daughter in your dream reflects your ideal or your better self. Alternatively, the dream may represent your waking relationship with your daughter and the qualities that she projects.

If you do not have a daughter, then the dream symbolizes the feminine aspect within yourself.

To see food in your dream represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies. The different types of food can symbolize a wide range of things. Generally, fruit is symbolic of sensuality, meat represents animalistic desires, and vegetables pertain to healthy pursuits. Frozen foods may refer to your cold emotions and frigid ways. Eating certain foods also refer to qualities that you need to incorporate within your own self.


To see friends in your dream signify aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to incorporate and acknowledge. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself.


To dream that you or someone is buying something represents your acceptance of an idea, condition, or situation. Consider what item you are buying for additional analysis. Alternatively, the dream means that you are lacking something in your life and are looking for some form of fulfillment.

*** An early morning dream that was interupped with the ringing of my alarm .
I was in a golden  ninja . My two girls were sitting at the back seat sandwiching my FB friend Paul ( all these I saw vaguely ) . We stopped to buy food. I bought chicken rice for the girls. Asked Paul what he wanted. He said something I couldn't make up twice. . After my third time asking...he lean forward and and with a witty smile said "char siew Say nyuk fun"  ( this is where I clearly identified him as Paul)
Next scene ..I was looking at the plenty coins in my hand. I remembered I didn't buy food for myself  and so I went and buy fried mee fun with the coins.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

First Asian Mr World
