Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Most of us sometimes like to look back to times past, when the world seemed simpler and slower moving - "the good old days".

This video clip brought back wonderful memories of the time when I was at 'that age'

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


I had promised myself since three birthdays ago that I would not purchase a cake for Lydia's birthday but instead bake one for her.
Two birthdays passed and finally I was able to fulfilled that task.
Children birthday cake theme offers a wide range that would suits her.
I had thought of ones that would include some sort of known hero toys as well as the ever popular princeses cakes. Nothing really came to materialised until the actual day.

As with the last two birthdays, when the day drew nearer, I would always find myself  busy with other stuff to be bother with the small details for the cake and infact actual baking itself.. Thus each year ends up with me purchasing the normal commercialised cake at the local bakery's window.

This year however, days ahead, I had  told her that we would be making cupcakes for her classmated on her birthday. The word WE was the 'magic' word that made it so hard for me to back off on my word at the last minute.
The actual making and baking would only takes around half an hour to do but as I had invited her to join me in the process , it took an extra half an hour longer.

This was infact her first actual hands on  baking with me so I wanted to make it special for her .
She could finally said that she really did baked a cake.
It was special indeed for her because we were making not just a cake but  her birthday cake.
Made two trays of  chocolate cupcakes

Assambling ' the head'

Ta da!!!!! my dacshaund's head
Ordered online pizza

Happy 10th Birthday

Monday, 19 March 2012

Fostering gone 'wrong'

A beauty at SSPCA
Today I was to foster and care for a pregnant cat even when I'm in another state.
 Jo had highlighted in AFU that a there was this pregnant cat dumped at her office canteen.

There was an urgent  need to 'rescue' this cat from where she was because according to Jo, her boss, the  Datuk was coming tomorrow and he would not have cats around the canteen and would surely make someone throw them away.
As she has no experience with cats and with her four dogs running loose around the house, she was not in the position to help.
I then made arrangement for Jo to send the cat home whereby Jeff would help me put her in a safe place.
Somehow during the handling over, the cat was frightened by my barking dogs. She broke free from Jo's hand ( not forgetting to leave her with a few scratches ) and ran across to the neighbour's house.

Aaarrrrrrrrrr....why oh why did she not use a cage or a simple box?.. I have no idea.
What was she thinking when handling the cat with her bare hands. Was she not using her head ? .
I have dogs for heaven sake. Any cats would have panicked at the sight of dogs more so of their non stop barking.  Probably she has never even encountered one before. ( ....and I have fourteen of them!)

According to Jo, the cat was heavily pregnant and most likely won't be moving around much. I have my doubt on that because it's almost midnight now and all effort to locate her seems fruitless.

It ran to the neighbour's compound I was told. Which neighbour?
It's a big area and that was hours ago. She could be anywhere. . . Frightened and alone. Poor cat.
I'm thousand miles away but I just want to come home and join in the search. .
It's one of those time I felt so helpless . ..

Saturday, 17 March 2012


Today would be the highlight of my trip to Kuching. Yes we would be going to Sematan . A small township 110km.from Kuching city.
This trip is suppose to be a assignment project for Tisha and seven other students on her team.
This event was a part of her assignment for Tour & Travel Operation subject.
The task was  about an event holiday supposedly arranged ,planned and carried out by them so called event managers. . .Err... the right word would be. . wanna be event managers :)

Me being one of the paying guest was supposed to 'rate' them once the 'assignment' was done.
It was fun on my side to be among youngsters thou I could feel the tense in some of them.
Having me around gives the feeling of mom's eyes on them all the time.
Not my Tisha thou. I was sure she was proud to be having her mummy doing 'stuffs' with her :)

Group Photo - taken by me :) everyone wanted to be 'in'

Story in pictures
upon arrival


BBQ area
The colorful 'long house' hostel block
This was our  'long house' block- Two rooms, sitting room + bathroom room
Didn't give the 'kids' the chance to claim this queen size bed

A pool just beside the beach....awesome

Lovely endless beach

They had some games planned on the beach. Was fun looking at the youngsters having so much fun

Failed kite flying
 Trying out her gymnastic skills
Beautiful sunset view of the beach
Dinner....nothing extra special but still very appealing


One shot to remember the place

 Another simple breakfast set ....
We finally got to ride the double rider bicycle. Not really an easy task but we managed just fine after an hour of riding around the place

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


"It's always the people that know you the least, that judge you the most."

One thing that we must all come to terms with when dealing with life is knowing that there will always be those who will judge us, even if they know nothing about us. It truthfully is the people that know us the least are sometimes the people that may judge us the most.

We must also learn to accept that despite being judged by others, they matter not in the least bit, because no one is perfect. No one will ever be perfect enough to judge anyone else, and therefore the only judgment we should ever worry about is the judgment of our God.

Never live life in fear of disappointing others, because no matter what you do by the end of your life you will have been a disappointment to at least one person, and many people will have been a disappointment to you.

Make your life your own, by being you in every circumstance. Make your own name and your own decisions!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


It's another lazy day for me prior to my trip tomorrow.
 This morning  Andrew left very early. . Before 6am actually.
As he said he was attending a workshop in one the hotel in town. He wanted to avoid the 'office hours' traffic jam I supposed.

Unlike yesterday, I didn't fall back to sleep.  I really wanted too since I didn't planned on doing anything much today.

After doing a few chores ( floor sweeping/washing cloths...that's about it here),
I went online for most of the time.

The wallpaper guys came to finish the remaining kitchen wall just as I got back from the supermarket.
Another surprise awaits outside the door. Although there were four guys around for the wall work, none of them dare to get rid of a tiny rat snake that got stuck in a tiny crack in the pipe.

I was glad that none of them were brave enough. There could be a 'killer' among them .
I know it was a snake but they too have their reason to be here. I say this snake was probably more scared of us than us of him.

I poked it with a stick to make it move but he was obviously stuck. He must have eaten something to make him....bigger?
After a few attempts I managed to set him free to the bushes area at the back of the apartment.

Friday, 9 March 2012


With Montana's surgery that went so well gives me such confidence with Blinly's to go as well.
I had prepared him for the surgery twelve hours earlier as which was recomended. I felt so guilty looking at his 'puppy face' asking to be let out from the pent I had put him in. The guilt feeling was much felt because he was such a skinny boy and I had so much difficulty in making him eat all the time.
My confidence had gotten lesser by the time we reached the clinic.   In my mind, somthing could still go 'wrong' . We totally refused to leave him there when the staff said we could.  He had meant for us to  leave Blinky there and only to return a few hours later to collect him when he was done.
I really didn't want to leave his site at all. He was so frightened with his surroundings.
The fact that he can't see much makes it necessary for me to calm him with my voice.
Same sight as Montana....he's ready

He looked as 'dead' as Montana had when they took him to the operating table and away from me.
It was half an hour later before he emerges from there but  was already struggling to wake up.
Phewwwww. . that was a good sight compared to Montana who was only gasping  once in every minute before breathing normally.
Those are the target

We took him home straight because he was bleading quite much by now.
Once home, a cone collar was put on and he was put away in the play pent.

Back home in confinement area

It was only in the late afternoon that he finally felt the pain of the operation or loosing his 'doghood'. He was whining all the time and was only sleeping in our embrace. On his own he would sleep standing up. Unlike Montana who was well and running about within the day, Blinky was sore for a few days.

Comfort and love in Jeff's arms 

Sleeping on his own when no one is free to carry him

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


I copied and pasted this images from a friend's posting for laughs on how we Malaysian  'read' ourselves through the three largest racial group found here.

The Chinese

The Indians

The Malays

Malaysian but not catogarised under any of these races ...I'm none of the above  - thou not actually guarantee any better than any of these :)

Sunday, 4 March 2012


I missed again watching the boys sing but I got to watch the girls even with few distractions on the night it aired.
I saw and heard a few that did very well but I only made my pick  today after I watched the rerun of the boy's show.
My six pick based on their top 24 performances.....Elise Testone, Hollie Cavanagh, Jessica Sanchez,  Skylar Laine  ,    Joshua Ledet   ,  DeAndre Brackensick ....
Actually it was hard to name names as everyone was so equaly very good.
I would think from this forth it'll be more of a popularity contest amongs americans.
Elise  Testone
Hollie Cavanagh
Jessica  Sanchez
Skylar Laine
Joshua Ledet
DeAndre  Brackensick

Still...I think this year is going to be a girl's year..BUT... . this is only my preliminary selection and as with every vote... tidak kena pakai :)

Friday, 2 March 2012

Papa Montana's cut

I had made the much needed move of going to the veterinary clinic just two days ago and had finally got a 'slot' today for  the 'cut' that would never make Montana a papa again.
With a harem of six 'ladies' it was a real  heaven for this sole male hunk for the past four years or so.
He's been having so much 'fun' that there was never in a year that there was no new addition to his clan.
Mama Tay the alfa female is so fertile that she has to date never missed a single cycle without getting pregnant.
The only consolation for this mama would be that she had had single pup on many deliveries.
But beside her there are two other female, namely Sugar and JellyBean  that have also been 'busy'.  Not to forget  Chalaga who is also coming to that stage now .
I had  gone to the stage of caging Montana away from the females  since playing by sight on who and who was on heat has resulted in many unwanted 'accidents'.

This minor operation worries me most because Montana was an 'active' older dog and the fact that although he's been getting his heartworm tablets,  he has not been getting his yearly vaccination for the past few years .
Also this was to be my first neutering for a dog at the Goverment veterinary clinic. Past encounters with them were always on cats.
I have heard of stories too of how they can't revive the dogs once they have been sedated resulting the dog to die in the end many times .
This was the main reason why I did not opt to get it done there earlier after the only private vet I went to ceases to do anymore spaying or neutering.
...these are my prized babies...I don't want them dead!.

After made to 'puasa' for eighteen hours , tied and held down, he must be scared for his life

 After the opertion..... he looked so dead . And for a moment there I thought he was too until he started gasping for air.

Few minutes after regaining consciousness....still unable to control the tounge

Surprise surprise.... mingling around with his females few hours later...he's such a strong boy showing as if nothing happened. .. or missing ;)