Thursday, 26 January 2012


 Went online just to 'check' on what 'the experts' says about this coming new year...
(I copied and paste these randomly from the net )
Chinese Year of the Dragon
The Chinese New Year 2012 enters the fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac which represents the dragon, making this the Chinese Year of the Dragon. It is a year that is believed to holds great promise for building wealth and for making life-altering decisions.
Benevolent in nature, the dragon is associated with many characteristics including:

* Good fortune
* Greatness
* Blessing
* Boldness
* Heroism
* Nobility
* Divinity
* Excellence
* Enthusiasm
* Decisiveness
* Optimism
* Intelligencesnake.
* Ambition

(..thou I was born not in any of those years shown :)  )
TigerTiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Lucky Tiger is thrilled to be in new places, discovering the unknown secrets of distant lands be they of the mind, body or spirit. Smart, determined and socially oriented, Tiger relates to the western zodiac sign of Aquarius--the cosmic social worker. Here is an altruistic nature that is interested in the 'big problems' of welfare, justice and world peace. Thriving on unpredictable situations, Tiger doesn't mind a challenge, though their authority is their own. Fluctuating between extraversion and a life filled with colleagues and friends, and the need for solitude and 'space', Tiger is happiest when trusting their instincts--even when they go against the grain of social expectations and assumptions.

Tiger Overview- (I like this part.... )

Okay, the Dragon is probably not exactly your style. But admit it -- you like it nonetheless. After all, you'd fly if you could. In Chinese astrology, the Dragon rules the Eastern sky, while the Tiger rules the Western. You're almost bosom buddies. Not only that, it's a Water year, and that's your most favorable element. Luck is with you! And, nine favorable months should give you a ton of great opportunities. As long as you don't get carried away by every wild scheme the Dragon cooks up, you should do well.
Anything to do with communication, networking or travel could lead to your heart's desire. This is a year during which you'll want to be active. Make a commitment. Begin new projects. Be bold. Take chances. It's time to live your dreams!


 Phew....just read all that plus a few other 'animals' signs...all with relation to my love ones of course.
And as with every year....I delight momentarily with the positive 'highlights' and ignore the negative ones.
But then again... as I've said...momentarily cos I usually forget about these 'fuss' within a month or two.
Might as well too as our life afterall shouldn't be ruled by what other people says....

(This year I didn't spent the new year at my mom's as we were all in KK)




Saturday, 21 January 2012

I’m not extinct yet -my birthday before the half century mark


Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.- Buddha

This was the reason the cake went 'out of shape'

For the years I haved passed, I practically will remember this year's birthday as an emotional day.
What I would normally say '.....just any ordinary day' turned out to be 'different' the moment I woke up.
As usual picking up my tab even before getting out of bed. I saw Tisha's message....awh... how sweet of her. What seem so difficult to do in person  seems so easyly expressed in words she wrote.
I had received my birthday present from her two days prior. I had waited till today to open it.

 My birthday pakage from Tisha sent via postlaju all the way from Kuching

Message from one witty girl that brought tears to her mama's eyes

 The girls enjoying the food . .  missing one sister though :(
Me and Jo ...I wanted to get the name of the restaurant for remembrance. .  regardless

I have found that by being grateful for the things and people I have in my life helps tremendously to ward off most of the negativity that  pervades my life so far.  Everyone live for those they loved and needed . I am no difference.
I am most grateful for everything.  More so for the people who loved me in return.
I do believe I am more blessed in many ways than others . . like I have been told so many times before. I am deeply thankful.

I tried to think why birthdays are treated as special days. Maybe it's because I know life is very short and another birthday would mean that I have lost a year from my life and I don't want to forget that. Sad but something that no one can change nor reverse. 'A year passed is a year gone.'

In the past whole year, I just forget that I have already passed many time in my life but on my birthday, I always remember this part. It's then I started to calculate what I have done so far and what I should do within the remaining time. . . hhmm... there's so much more to do still.

Happy birthday to myself . I still hold the same wish year in year out.
i.e  to have love, health and happiness while living a fulfilling and satisfying life.

This birthday can say "I'm getting old, but I'm not there yet" . . noting both the humor in aging and ability to remain young at heart stays intact...'I am still the me'

Saturday, 7 January 2012


Tambotuon village, Kota Belud is located about 86 km of Northeast of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. It can be reached by road about 2 hours drive.
Initially we had planned to spend christmas eve and day at Kundasang but upon finding no rooms or charlets available, the 'gang' decided to change the dates going to Tambotuon on these days instead.
We had so much fun at last year's christmas holiday in Kota Belud that everyone thought we might go to the same place again.
With that in mind....this place came up when search was made on other retreat centres situated in the Kota Belud district.
They have their FB page therefore it was easier to make the booking. ...which was done way back in October 2011.!/ResthouseKg.Tambatuon?sk=info

Front view of the Rest house
Taken from the left side

Right wing rooms
A walk away...the giant boulder
view of two mountains

Shallow part of the river
As seen from the front poach

The food specally prepared by the Garcia's permenant appointed chefs :)
Flo's Brownies
Leon's 'version'

Leon's Shepherd's Pie

Peach chicken  & macoroni chicken salad
The ever so famous 'adobo'

The activities
Drawing on the white board was

The cousin's favourite pose
Mama and her gals
Girls power!!!!


Lucky draw...punishment presents

Other activities...

...giwang sendiri

The guys doing some 'guy's stuff'

Temptations across the river...

The patience pays off....dua biji durian runtuh

River calls....
going up the hanging bridge

Stopping halfway for a great picture 

Feeding the fishes

diving into where the fishes were.....the deepest part of the river

shallow end for the less 'brave'

The 'brave' noobs
fighting strong current at knee level

Fun remarks noted in the guest's book 
After spending two wonderful night of fun and fellowship here, we proceed to our next stop which was to the cooler highlands of Kundasang.
It was almost ten o'clock by the time we made our move. ...a two hour dirve away.