Browsing through the shelves of one book store at KIm Fung while waiting for some part of my car to be upgraded ,I found this 'interesting' book of cookies. I knew Yona would love it....especially with adorable figurine cookies that she's so fond and familiar with. She wanted to bake everyone of them ....
Domo was chosen as our first cookie after I have said we were only doing one at a time
The dough....part brown and part red
As always, shaping and giving them the 'details' took most of the time
Finally out of the oven ...the giving them some 'bad' teeth
Closer look at them.....indeed they are not as cute as the picture in the book BUT they are deliciously crunchy. I didn't say that based on my own testing. The girls took them to school for their friends to comment on the next morning