...everyone went to school
It was a good morning in the sense that it was bright and sunny.
And for that reason alone I finally wash my car after putting it aside for such a long time.
Since I had the 'mood' to do work, I did few chores which include the fun side of mixing some cement to fill in the little cracks that were all over my front compound.
Watch tv in between... seems like I have been doing much of this but I'm complaining.
My mood to bake was 'on' but there was so much food still around that the idea was finally 'killed'.
I did however cook lunch for the girls.
Mom and Atlas came .They wanted to try out at new burger place that I have been telling them about.
A place where they suppose to sell 'real home made bugers'. We wanted to 'see' for ourselves so to say.
After checking out the address on the net we found out that today was their 'off' day .
Hhmm.. we opt eat at Mr Bean instead ..BUT.. it was short of an hour before the girls come back from school and it wouldn't be fun to rush through the meal.
That in mind, we made a date to do this lunch thing tomorrow.
After they left I went on to watch Bad Boys 2 on AXN....that took my afternood off.
I made a point to move one dog house out for Uku. If there is a dog who can't stand cold...this is him.
We also got him a new baisin as his bed.
While Yona had bowling training, Lydia didn't and so we sent her to mom's place before going .
It was year end and just like every year, most of the trainees won't come during the school break.
I know for sure Jo wont be there. Just the thought of me sitting there all alone was dreadful....
After letting Yona down, I practically didn't go out of the car till it was time to go back.

I had brought along my lap top to 'kill time' but it kind of let me down when the batteries only lasted for half an hour.
The fact that it was raining might contribute to my sleeping while lying down at the back seat eventhough there were many people going in and out of the parking area.
Another 'no mood' day for me.
so It was infront of the tv watching my favourite series again.
Atlas called saying that dad wanted to go to sungai manila and asked me if I wanted to come along.
It hass been about a month that I have not gone there so I said yes.
Well.. that was the initial plan but towards the time to go , he came over and said that dad wanted to sent his workers to Beluran after that.
We opt not to go as that would mean I would have to make the trip to Beluran and it'll take hours before I can get me back home.
We had dinner at mom's again tonight..nothing special except family time.
Stayed till after nine... which was their bed time :).
Wanted to go online but was too tired...I didn't get my necessary nap this afternoon because Atlas came and also because I did my pineapple tarts again.
I wanted to use all the jam before the expiry date( which is in dec..hehehe)
Went to bed early ...around ten
was not feeling too well this morning....a little feverish. Feels like I might be coming down with flu
Eventhough the much due 'aunty' was not here, my depressive mood was.
I didin't want to feel much of anything ...Just thinking of them makes me more depressive.
Was feeling like crawling into the corner and just be left alone.
I had a basket of laundry to do and yet left them at the hallway.......till later.
I watch tv...AGAIN!
Mom called asking if I wanted to 'jalan' with her and Atlas. I said no at the initial begining but said yes on second thoughts.I knew I would be too 'lazy' to do much of anything except watch tv.
I felt that going out might put some 'live' to my zombie state here. .

Mom wanted to go for the new burger house that we have been talking about.
We went round and round looking for the plase as everyone had forgotten the name plus the address of the shop . This cafe caught out eyes but mom's heart was set on burgers.

Still..... we got too hungry to survery further so we ended up at Mr Bean at Indah Jaya.
Went for unnecessary shopping for household items at Happymart supermaket.
Reached home a little past three.
Wanted so much to take my 'fix' but the show on tv was so darn interesing...hehehe
well.. I did kind of dozed off for a few minutes I think.
Finally I went and did my laundry while continuing my cement 'patch' work.
Bolwing night for yona again.
I didn't want to sleep in the car so I brought along the lap top the cables this time.
Wasn't very hungry but ordered light dinner because I sat at the cafe while waiting.