Well... I'm writing after the weekend is almost through. Lets see, it seem to pass by so fast. Infact I hardly remember moving away from my seat here infront of the pc. ( no wonder the house is in a mess) I brought that 'mess' up thing because I just 'saw' Rudy's house through his blog. Wow! he's such a tidy person. I felt I needed that 'slap' to wake up my cleaning senses. I have been getting reminders from my mom each time she come and visit but that too havent been able to tigger my senses. She says I'm really showing bad examples to my girls but I kept saying that I'm not such a sloppy person.... just someone who has the option not to do or to do it when I feel like doing it..... get it? ... she didn't.
Well.... nobody else minded.....not my girls and not even their dad.
Not to worry... comes monday .. Its already in the schedule of the day...... Cleaning. Its not so much of the dust , moreso to the collections of unnecessary things around the house. My maid can't help much as she's so afraid of casting away anything thats not perisable. Even an empty mineral bottle? hhmm..
Its the sabbath day and as an adventist.... I worship on a saturday. My car was again 'blocked' by my neighbour's ( some renovation on the house therefore their car was parked infront of my compound) so I asked mom to pick us up for church. This is also to ensure that we would be on time. The girls have a bad habbit to making me wait for them to get ready and still be 'late'. With 'popoh' its different, it'll sure be a lecture on not to be late trip to the church whenever she was made to wait. Therefore we were never late.
Church was alright except for the later part of sabbath school..... was sooooooo sleepy.
Afternoon was spent..... napping... (favourite pastime other than sitting here).
My car went for a much needed servicing that ended up costing me RM120 . Not to forget the RM116 fuel to fill up the tank. If it doent rain tomorrow, I'm going to give it a good 'bath'. The engine as well.
Evening was at giant..... shopping ( got a bargin ( I think) for 'atta boy' dog food... 17kg for RM69)
Tried some vedda blue ice cream at the newly opened shop nearby .... hhmm... wasn't that impressive for me. (either I was still so 'full' from dinner or the price tag that jumped me to that conclution)Amongs many 'sweets' I love are chocolates,cakes and ice cream and throughout the years have tasted so many.... to say I know what is impressive and whats not I believe I can. Seven heaven's is better... not forgetting secret recipe's amongs others.
Sunday: An early wake for a sunday as my maid comes in today as well. Normal day routine..
back to bed..(he he)... infront of the pc while watching tv,
until I had the craving for 'pan mien". Waited till almost mid day before going out to have that. ( that saves up on skipped breakfast... ha ha as if that matters) Spent so much more than breakfast money on durians , rambutans (real expensive), taraps and a chempedak (which is Tisha most unfavoured fruit). Bought lemang and ikan bakar( burned fish? ... ha ha ha) from the nearby ramadhan's market for dinner.